"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." ~Lin Yutang

Thursday, February 23, 2012

37 weeks

How far along? 37 Weeks

Total weight gain: i LOST 4 pounds since the last appointment (LAST WEEK!).  so, part of it was my shoes... but the rest... yeah, i'm all skinny now.  ;) 
Maternity clothes? i guess i could start trying them on... 
Stretch marks? not any new ones that i've noticed.
Sleep:  it's on and off.  half the week i slept like an angel.  the other half of the week i didn't sleep.  i really need lots of pillows... that's the deciding factor.  if i loose my pillows during the night... my sleep is woken.
Best moment this week: well, weirdly enough... it was probably passing my kidney stone.

Miss Anything? hm.  what do i miss this week?  my sister.
Movement: oh yeah.  still LOTS of movement!    
Food cravingacts:  i would like a bowl of ice cream each night.  but i've been declining.  yogart is my replacement. 
Anything making you queasy or sick:  the pain of a kidney stone...
Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: not much.  i guess the "contractions" from last week, were kidney ouches.  
Symptoms: a little heartburn, a few small contractions every day, lots of pain from her movin' body, a little lower back and crotch and hips pain (mostly after sitting for a while.  or laying), a little swolen feet (barely)... but nothin' worth complaining about. 
Belly Button in or out? out
Wedding rings on or off? off

Happy or Moody most of the time: happy.
Looking forward to: each day.  
picture courtesy boo.  (i'm glad i reminded her to make sure my face was showing)
her heartrate was about 135-140 today.  she was totally snoozin'.  i was measuring right at 37 weeks.  1-1.5cm dialated. 
Try to remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."


bonniebee said...

you could have another February baby! Or you could wait and have her in March. No biggie :) I'm glad, glad, glad that the kidney stone passed. I can only imagine that it was bad, but better after it was gone. I'll be praying that you never have those again!!

MamaT said...

it could be a march baby... or i couls wait and have her in april. no biggie! ;)