"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." ~Lin Yutang

Monday, January 17, 2011

sugar free

today was the first day of my sugar free challenge.  i was challenged by a fellow blogger and decided it was worth a shot.  i'm always ready for a new challenge!  
today i did NOT have my daily cup o' joe (really, it's mostly milk with a little coffee and some sweet flavor).  i did NOT have any waffles (even though they did not have any sugar added in them) coated in syrup (THAT's why).  i did NOT have a piece of gum -even though i really wanted one.  i did NOT take a sip of my husband's carbonated beverage when he got home, NOR at dinner.  i did NOT lick my children's suckers they got as a treat after dinner.  i also will NOT have any late night ice cream nor will i have anything else that's sweet and sugar-coated...

Try to remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." COMMENT! IT SHOWS ME THAT I'M BEING READ!!!


MamaT said...

i forgot to mention the headache. yes, i had one. :( at about 6pm it came to me...

Jen said...

You're doing great! I had the headache too the past couple of days actually. But in a day or two we'll be past all that! You inspire me knowing that I'm not doing this alone! =0)

Nicnic said...

good job (i almost typed your name here!).