"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." ~Lin Yutang

Monday, January 31, 2011

january 2011 happenings

  • we drove to idaho falls and got a new (to us, of course) van given to us. 
    • on the way back (from idaho falls until twin falls where we exited for dinner) we followed a drunk driver swerving from off the road on the median side, to almost hitting gaurd rails on the other side of the road.  every time a car would try to pass him, he would come about a foot from hitting them (and a foot looks like an inch when you're watching it!)
    • i called isp four or five times reporting our location and rate of speed... 
  • my monthly women's bible study/mentorship group wrapped up the topic of marriage.  i love just about everything that comes from this group!  if at first i don't agree with it, all i have to do is study God's word and pray about it, and then i become internally convicted!  the leader, my mentor, is so wise and godly.  i love the time we spend together.
  • i started a wednesday night "core" bible study.  we're going over the book of 1 john.  "sophie" (otter's mom) started it with me!
  • adejay and aleemay got roles in their school's play performance.  adejay got a leading role and is really excited.  aleemay got a role in the pre-show entertainment.  she's playing goldilocks.  :)  both of them have practice weekly...
  • "sophie" took all five kids for a one-day/two night holiday (for me). 
  • i started a weekly meeting to help learn how to support others and help our family stick together.
  • i attended a class with otter pop that meets on the second monday each month.  it's an inconvenient committment that will help us learn to grow and help each other with our health.
  • aleemay celebrated her 6th birthday. 
  • otter pop started a weekly date-night with the eldest child.  we've been trying to take one kiddo out per week (on tuesdays) alternating parents...  so, we'll see how these both work together.
  • we sold our old van for a whopping five hundred big ones!  otter pop advertised it at $1000 and was shocked when we had several interested buyers.  we could only accept half of that with a clear conscience though, letting the buyer know he'd need to put another $500 in it for repairs.
  • aleemay had her very first all-day school field trip on the third wednesday of january.  she visited a local science center and art museum.  she loved it!  also (her most exciting part) she got to bring a COLD LUNCH to school!!!  woo-hoo!
  • i took the younger kids to the zoo and actually let them have fun!  jones spent the time in the stroller, learning another lesson from disobedience, but the girls were able to run from animal to animal as they pleased (as long as they could hear my voice and i could see them).  they also were allowed to play on the play structures for the first time.  i had to give myself a pep-talk on the drive over there, repeating all the reasons why it is, in fact, ok for kids to have fun in public places...  i was SO relieved and reassured of my pep-talk-talks when we arrived at the zoo and there were about five cars total there!  i thought they might be closed because we've never been there when they're slow before.  i thought it was a successful learning experience for all of us.
  • we spent a no-school day home playing altogether.  after a day of fun and a good family movie together, we all piled up and went to the local hands-on science center together.  we only spent about 45 minutes there, but it was fun and i'm glad to find that it is appropriate for all the kids' ages.
  • i took an overnight road trip to eastern idaho and back.  it was filled with caffeine and great company.  i returned home at 4am.  i then only got about 3 hours of sleep before the kids woke me up... it was an interesting next day.
  • i took on another challenge to babysit another two kids for four days each week, but then got fired the day before i started because i charge too much.   ----nah!
  • we turned in an application for jones to start kindergarten in the fall. 
  • i took aleemay on a mommy-daughter date to the discovery center (her choice) and then picnic in the park (also, her choice).  it is SO WONDERFUL to spend times like these with my children: one-on-one! 
  • my parents, sister and brotheri-l, and family friends came over to celebrate my 29th birthday.  we had an enormous delicious feast followed by some yummy german chocolate cake (if you were nuts enough)!  it was a blessed time!
  • sold some crap and made some money!  what a great way to end the month!!!!!!!
Try to remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." COMMENT! IT SHOWS ME THAT I'M BEING READ!!!


3rd grade teacher said...

Did you get a coin in your cake this year? :)

MamaT said...

there was a dime in the cake and (of course) i didn't get it. i never do! but someone did and now she's 10 cents richer!!!!! :)

Nicnic said...

i wasn't there for any of this :(

Mandy Goldbach said...

"sold some crap and made some money" - love that! and about to do that myself at the end of the month!
i can't believe you're only 29... let me tell ya, 29 was a great year for me! and actually, 30 ain't so bad (once you dive in head first and just get OVER it.. haha!)
enjoy reading your blog mama t ;)

Liz said...

you sure are fun to read! and you totally reminded me of the the tickets the kids came home with from the discovery center! Aige and I have been wanting to go on a date and I've been racking my brain as to what to do. Yeah!! I bet he'd be happy to go back!