"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." ~Lin Yutang

Saturday, June 25, 2011

such an awesome week!

we had such a great week to start out summer (officially).  the weather has been so warm and nice... the chores are getting done... the kids are smiling... the mom is happy!
i wish i were on the ball enough to get pictures of all of our fun activities and then even moreso do get them uploaded to the blog daily.  but, that's what wishing is for i guess. 
today i'm going to try and take some good pictures of aleemay.  tomorrow will be another kid.  the next day another.  and so on.  and so forth.  the pictures on my wall seem like a LONG time ago (and some of them are). 
tomorrow we will celebrate jones' birthday with a little bigger group.  my mr. has a long day on wednesday, not getting home until after 9... so we celebrated without him but tomorrow will be better.  jones keeps saying he's not really 5 yet because no one came to celebrate.  :(  i didn't teach him that, that's for sure!!!
ok, gotta run.  gotta start in on some of the day. 
enjoy life, folks!  don't pile on so many activities you can't see the happy moments.  summer is beautiful.  life is fun.  people are distractions. 
Try to remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I surely enjoyed the BD party for Jones! lylyly