"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." ~Lin Yutang

Thursday, February 17, 2011

do unto others as you would have them do unto you (a blog-rambling of a mother)

here's a lesson i wish i could just put in a child-rearing chip and insert in each of my kids at birth.  not necessarily in their rear per se... 

children don't really seem to be selfish right at birth, but that's probably because they really do need absolutely EVERYTHING done for them, so it's not selfish of them... it's just them.  at about age 4ish, it seems they hit a real selfish streak.  it seems like i'm telling my kids "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" about once per hour on average every day.  that's a total exaggeration, but really! why is it so hard to grasp?! 
even as adults, we struggle with this concept!!!  how many problems in life could be avoided or solved if we could put this concept into practice?!  the root of this concept is respect.  we need to respect and honor others. 
is it honoring to argue with others in a way that belittles them?  is it respectful to raise your voice at ANY one?  sometimes we worry that we shouldn't let ourselves be stomped all over.  we should have more self-respect than that.  but is that biblical?  standing up for the truth is biblical and it's biblical to respect others.  sometimes our actions inadvertently disrespects those around us.  but, if we ALWAYS keep "do unto others..." at the forefront of our minds in ALL aspects (speak unto others, act unto others, respond unto others, behave unto others...), we are being respectful. 
  • when you talk to someone about someone else, make sure that you wouldn't say anything that you wouldn't say if they were standing right there listening... or something that you wouldn't want someone else to say about you.  truth or not truth... be respectful. 
my young tweenager is struggling with a few relationships at school.  she comes home so frustrated that "they just can't be friends!"  we can't control others, but we can control ourselves.  if we just do unto them, as we would have them do unto us, we have done our part.  that should set our minds at ease.  always act in a way that you have no regrets.  that's always choosing to do what's right.  100% of the time. 

how do YOU struggle in this area?  what do YOU do, to help you?

Try to remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."


Liz said...

ah. the golden rule. i don't know why it can be hard to follow. maybe just part of being human. i feel like i'm constantly telling this to my kids as well. you're fun to read. although, i always go to make a comment and then i end up typing up a novel of a comment, then decide i'm being too verbose, and then delete. :)

Anonymous said...

I like the Golden Rule and like to think I follow it most of the time, but in reality, it is totally against our sinful nature to put others ahead of self. Only through Christ can we do so.

Anonymous said...

edited comment from mandy: interesting topic [anwat]. i think it has to do with pride maybe... possibly wrapped up with some insecurities about who we are. once we can get a good grasp on who God is, (great, mighty, holy) what He did for us when He sent His Son to the cross (mercy, grace) then we can see who we are in relation and it's easier to set pride aside, realize our worth in Christ, and really love others the way Christ loved us. i definitly struggle with pride, which leads to disrespect. finding that God has taught me through various life lessons, parenthood, being part of a family and being a wife how to set my pride aside. He also teaches me through his Word, but more often through life experience. guess it's just the way i learn best!

bonniebee said...

bonnie says: don't forget that kids brains don't really work that well. from a scientific stand-point, humans don't really have the full ability to understand the consequences of their actions until they are about 25 years old. the ability to think through our actions takes time and practice. expecting this of our children is fine, i think, but understanding that they may not meet our expectations and accepting this about them takes patience. raising them in a good home, with good values that are repeated to the point of habit is a great way to ensure that they will remember these lessons when they finish forming and un-forming their brain synapses.