"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." ~Lin Yutang

Friday, March 30, 2012

1 week

i enjoyed doing my weekly pregnancy update so well that i decided to make one up for the weekly progress (hopefully with weekly photo updates) of my sweet buttercup. 
this week i copied and pasted a developmental checklist that i'll yea or nay to.  i'll try and think of some good updates, but please feel free to leave some ideas in the comments for me to add to next week's questionaire!

you can't really tell by this pic, but he's really REALLY happy and proud!  --just not very photogenic.

he had hold tight of everything precious to him... his baby sister, and his car!
how old?  1 week
  • Lifts head for short periods of time - yes
  • Moves head from side to side - yes
  • Prefers the human face to other shapes - no
  • Makes jerky, arm movements - yes
  • Brings hands to face - yes
  • Has strong reflex movements - no
  • Can focus on items 8 to 12 inches away - no
  • May turn towards familiar sounds or voices - sometimes
  • Responds to loud sounds - no
  • Blinks at bright lights - yes
  • Smiles - yes
  • Tracks objects with his eyes - no
  • Makes noises other than crying - no
  • May repeat vowel noises, such as "ah" or "ooh" - no
  • Raises head and chest when put on tummy - no
  • Lifts head up 45 degrees - no
  • Kicks and straightens legs when on back - no
  • Open and shuts hands - no
  • Pushes down with legs when placed on a hard surface - sometimes
  • Reaches for dangling objects - no
  • Grasps and shakes hand toys - no
  • Tracks moving objects - no
  • Begins to imitate sounds - no
  • Recognizes familiar objects and people, even at a distance - no
  • Begins to develop a social smile - yes
  • Begins to develop hand-eye coordination - no
  • Brings both hands together - no
  • Interested in circular and spiral patterns - no
  • Sleep about six hours at night before waking (total sleep typically 14 to 17 hours) - 5-1/2, but not six
  • Rolls over (usually stomach to back is first) - no
  • Sits with support - no
  • Lifts head up 90 degrees - no
  • Can follow a moving object for a 180-degree arc - no
  • Babbles and amuses self with new noises - no
  • Responds to all colors and shades - no
  • Explores objects with his mouth - no
  • Recognizes a bottle or breast - no
  • Communicates pain, fear, loneliness and discomfort through crying - just pain and hunger
  • Responds to a rattle or bell - no
that was kinda lame, so why don't you help me figure out a better questionaire form!?  please???  what kinds of questions do YOU have about our sweet buttercup???
Try to remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."



bonniebee said...

When I first read this post there were no pictures. I'm glad that I came back since you added some! Yay for the Fleshers! I'm so happy to share in the development of little Buttercup. I will live vicariously through your sweet little family.

bonniebee said...

When I first read this post there were no pictures. I'm glad that I came back since you added some! Yay for the Fleshers! I'm so happy to share in the development of little Buttercup. I will live vicariously through your sweet little family.