"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." ~Lin Yutang

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

gramma's goulash

i love my gramma.  she was and always will be such an inspiration to me.  she was wonderful... much like the prov. 31 woman!  one of her most famous recipes was her goulash. 

currently i have in my possession a cookbook she made.  in it are various recipes that she liked.  following is the goulash recipe. 

gramma's recipes are great!  she totally was one of those cooks who just added things without measurements.  she wouldn't even measure them out my handfuls or pinches...  so this recipe was kinda daunting when i first looked at it!  here's my measurements (if you must)  :)
i used about 4 pounds of hamburger.  1 diced up onion (was planning on two, but the other was rotten.  gross.)  4 cans of chili con carne (without beans).  4 cans of stewed tomatoes.  the rest of the ketchup (?maybe about 1 c.?). 

this made WAY too much!  so, after mixing it all together and letting it cook for just a bit, i slopped half of it into a bag and it's in the freezer now.  it freezes great that way.  you unthaw it and mix it with cooked noodles and wa-lah! 
anyway... i only had a 12 oz. package of the extra large macaroni noodles, so i cooked them up and drained them.  then, i threw it all together.

i stirred it up, put a lid on it, and put it in the oven (at 350) for about an hour.
the way we always had goulash was with cottage cheese, a salad, milk, and gramma's almost-as-famous PHR's.  we had it with cottage cheese and had the PHR's for dessert because i don't know why, they just weren't ready with dinner.  and after dinner (before the PHR's even) my stomach hurt like it always did at gramma's house after dinner because i ate too much.  so, these measurements must be pretty accurate.  i love goulash and i sure miss gramma!

Try to remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."


Jen said...

I love goulash too! Although I always top it with cheese...there's that fat sneaking in again! =0)

Isn't it neat how recipes bring us back to the ones we love! My grandma's cooking is very memorable to me too!

Nicnic said...

I love Thora's goulash recipe! I love making it! We eat it with cottage cheese too! But that is not a surprise since I am married to your brother!

LouisianaMom said...

Thank you for this recipe, I would LOVE to see more! I think of your Grandma often, as we gather our family around the table she served many meals at!

Kimberly said...

I want to try this one!