"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." ~Lin Yutang

Friday, April 27, 2012

5 weeks

today sweet buttercup is 5 weeks old.  she's also a month and 4 days old.  she's also very cute and sweet. 
[insert 5 week pic here]
but she's not the only one in my life!

wolfie started martial arts at the beginning of this month.  she has karate on monday and wednesday from 7-8.  she's doing extreme martial arts (xma) on tuesday and thursday, which is like a jackie chan type of gymnastic/martial arts form from 5-6.  on friday she's learning some other gymnastic type of funness and a weapon's class (2.5 hours of 3 classes: 4:30-7).  on saturday she has a class of self defense called krav maga from 10-11.  all these are helping her get into shape, but also teaching her some good self discipline and respect.  next month (i think) she's going to narrow down her classes to one or two of the arts to pursue. 

binkins lost another tooth.  she's reading like a pro and is super excited to dig into chapter books finally.  she LOVES to hold her sister and help out in any other way, especially if it means not doing what she's supposed to be doing. 

jones was the little red hen in his kindergarten visual arts performance.  it was really cute.  unfortunately i didn't get any good pictures, but i was there, so i'll just testify to its cuteness!  he's reading early reader books and unlike his two big sisters, doesn't get frustrated with it.  he's great!!!  also jones started t-ball the week before buttercup was born.  it's a hoot to watch 4-6 year-olds learn the sport.  they all clock out almost simultaneously after about 30 or 45 minutes.  but he's learning and they're improving. 

boo has cut naps out of her day now for sure.  she needs quiet time but doesn't do very well at it either.  she has started sleeping in 'till about 8:30ish, but she doesn't go to bed early either... i don't think it's really that healthy, but i can't force the girl to sleep!

starboy loves being a big brother.  he likes to boss his baby around, but he also absolutely LOVES to kiss and pet her.  all the kids really like to hold buttercup.  starboy is going through a rough phase and we're adjusting our training methods with him.  he's a good, sweet boy, but he's learned quite a bit of stubborn naughtiness somewhere (i can't imagine where though!)
[insert pop and i pic here]
otter pop and i have little bit been looking for a home to buy.  it may be 6 months up to 18 month until we get one, but it doesn't hurt to look around and see what's out there. 

i'm still really juggling around the mom duties and staying sane, but it's getting better each week.  all the running around is new and crazy and i certainly don't love it, but i do it and then we scrounge for dinner each night because that's what i SHOULD be doing... 
[insert dinner pic here]
so, on to that... dinner... because that is what i should be doing right now!

Try to remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."


Sky said...

You rock girl! The love for your family is so beautiful to see and it's in all of your posts! God bless you guys!

MamaT said...

aw thanks sky! i do love them...

Anonymous said...

I want to see those pictures that you intended to insert! Great blog! lylyly

bonniebee said...

great photos! little #5 sure grew a mane of curls.

MamaT said...

yes! that starboy has some BEAUTIFUL curls!!! he really needs a haircut but i just don't wanna get rid of those curls!!!