"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." ~Lin Yutang

Friday, May 25, 2012

the aftermath of the game...

on tuesday, wolfie got to bring her best friend to martial arts with her.  she was so excited.  so was the best friend.  i dropped them both off and otter pop picked them up.
they came home and wolfie CRAWLED in the door.  apparently she rolled her ankle while they were WARMING UP...  it was pretty swollen and sore.  she was icing it.  i gave her some ibuprofen.  she stayed the rest of the evening on the couch with it elevated and ice on it.  otter pop went out to a store and rented some crutches for her because she wanted to go to school the next day, it being the last week.  plus it was "middle school mayhem" and field day... so she couldn't miss that!!!  (even though it wasn't like she'd be able to participate much!!!!  when a teenager gets something in their head, ya can't do much to change it.)
so when she went to school.  i called the dr.  i was advised that when she came home from school, if it were still swollen and sore, to take her to an urgent care center to get an x-ray.  so that was in the plans... after the rest of the plans...
so, the aftermath of the jones' game went like this:
we came home and sophie came to our home too so that i wouldn't have to take ALL the kids to the urgent care center.  i looked up the closest urgent care center location and saw that they were all closed.  the closest one to us stayed open until 8 and it was, low and behold 8:08!
so, we went to the emergency room.  got it x-rayed, and found out she has a fifth metatarsal avulsion fracture resulting from ankle sprain.  she got a boot to wear at all times and was advised to use the crutches also as to not bear weight on that foot.  also, we were referred to an orthopedist for an followup appointment and further management. 
she is devastated.  i don't know what this will mean for our summer or her dreams of becoming a ninja.  we left the hospital at about 11...  and then i was finally able to eat dinner. 
it was quite a day!

Try to remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

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