"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." ~Lin Yutang

Thursday, January 1, 2015


At 9:45 last night Starboy was very much on the verge of taking a trip to ER.  He was struggling to get enough oxygen.  Since we were"partying" at our own abode, I was lounging in the comfort of my own bed and in jammies (and had been for several hours).  I had him come cuddle with me so I could tell if he needed to go or not.  I asked binkles to get me some Breathe (oil blend that replaces Vic's vapor rub).  I lifted up the back of his shirt and went to drop some on his back when it started dropping before I was ready because it was fuller than anticipated... Because after rubbing it in I realized it was Thyme.  
The Thyme was with the Breathe because I've been diffusing them together.  Unfortunately, for Starboy, thyme is very strong and needs diluted for topical use.  I had binkles trade them out real quick and hoped that the cooling oils in breathe would help the thyme calm down, but after both applications I quickly dropped a dropper full of coconut oil with a dab of lavender all over his back.  I then rubbed some breathe on his chest and feet.  I gave him his dose of inhaler treatments and literally watched him get better with each breath.  I had been using breathe and the inhalers all day long.  The ONLY difference was the thyme!  God is so good.  I never would've rubbed thyme all over his back! Anyway, he woke up this morning breathing just fine and with a very productive phlemy cough.  It was a great noise to hear!

Today binkles has been laying low all day.  She's all hot and miserable.  I'm praying for a speedy recovery...
Happy new year, 2015!