"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." ~Lin Yutang

Monday, May 11, 2015

Turbo is here!!!!!

Today was my 41 week check up.  My dr didn't want me to go past 42 weeks and since my 42 week landed on a Saturday and she wasn't available on the Friday for induction, she scheduled me for an induction on Thursday morning.  I pretended to be ok with it, because I didn't think I'd last that long... But seriously, I was 41 weeks + 2 days!  I DIDNT THINK ID LAST THAT LONG EITHER!
So I told her she could rupture my membranes during a cervical check.  She took the liberty to REALLY rupture them.  "Vigorously" was how she put it.  "Ouch!"  Is how I put it!!!
Then we scheduled an ultrasound to make sure all was well.  I took the family to the ultrasound, excited to show off my baby...  Only to sit in the room for half an hour trying to see whatever she was looking for (diaphragm movement).  That was lame!
On the way home...  
To be continued.  I'm too tired.

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