He's not hungry really. He just wants his mama and to suck. I REALLY would like him to find a pacifier... But have yet to find one he doesn't start gagging with.
I love my son and if this was written before noon each day, you'd hear about his sweet smile and beautiful/handsome features. He's so precious!!! Such a charmer....
He started sleeping better after about two weeks. He went for 8 hours one night...
The kids absolutely love him. Buttercup has nicknamed him with an -ey (or -ie) at the end of his name. She gets his name right 100% of the time though. The rest of them still call him turbo, or -like me- call him his older cousin, Pax (almost 100% of the time). I'm catching myself now before it comes out, so he won't be little baby pax forever. It's kinda strange.
School is starting to wind down. Most of the schools are getting out for the summer this Friday. My kids still have another 12 days.