"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." ~Lin Yutang

Saturday, October 24, 2015

5 months and family vacation

Turbo is now 5 months old.  And we finally got our birth photos!!!  I will post them separately as it would make for a weird 5 mo. pPost!  He has built on his 4 month skills and is doing great.  We are fairly certain that he's trying to cut some teeth as he is gnawing on everything and loves a good gum rub!  He has also been fussy and clingy.  Almost back to the first few months hardship, but it's fine.  We're all dealing well...
On October 3. The whole family loaded  up for what we hope is the start of an annual tradition.  We had a family vacation!!!!!
Our destination this year was a 12 hour drive.  We had 2 weeks off and stYed the first 5 days in winter park, Colorado.  
Then on Thursday, the 8, we drove to Denver, dropped off a bike and a daughter, and headed to Fort Collins, Colorado.  We didn't know -upon heading- that our Fort Collins destination would be so grand... But it was!  
On Monday morning we pulled out of Fort Collins and took a beautiful drive back over the Rocky Mountains in the scenic trail of the Rocky Mountain National Park.  We ended that day and stayed until Saturday in Granby, Colorado.  
Saturday morning at 5:00, we began our journey west, stopping briefly at the Dinasour Nationsl Monument around lunchtime.  That was a highlight of the trip.  We arrived home Sunday morning after stopping for the night with some grand parents.
We had a real wonderful time and can't wait for next year!

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