"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." ~Lin Yutang

Thursday, June 21, 2012

how we spent our father's day

just one caption needed:  IT WAS THE BEST DAY EVER!

Try to remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."


Nicnic said...

whose awesome pool is that?!?!

MamaT said...

we'll keep them anonymous for the sake of having the pool to ourselves each time we go... ;)

Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a BLAST!!!

Boy Crazy said...

Looks like fun!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! As I reviewed this blog for the second time, I am in awe of how much progress those kids have made since Father's Day. Now they are jumping to people who are positioned WAY FAR AWAY from them in the water. Not to speak of Jones and Binker swimming all the way across the pool with just a wee bit of help! Be sure you make them swim the width of the pool EVERY time they go and I would recommend you make them perform BEFORE they are allowed in the deep end with a life jacket. If you do that, it won't be too many trips until neither of them need a life jacket. I remember the first time we let Wolfie in the deep end, she was swimming about as well as Binker did last Sunday. Within 2-3 trips to the pool, she didn't need any help to swim across the pool. It's amazing! Lylyly