We are wrapping up October... A week or so late. Each day passes so quickly I just can't believe it's almost mid-November!
Starboy had his 6th birthday and ,as we did last year, we celebrated at DartWarz. The kids had fun! Starboy wanted to invite his class so we sent out a generic invite and one boy and his family came. I'm glad they did because we were the only ones at the place... Wolfie had to work, otterpop was at work half of the time, only ages 5&up are permitted, and Danke is back in Germany... So our GREAT BIG FAMILY. Didn't fare very well with only 4 players. Even better -about the other family coming- was that it was a family with 8 kids! Happy birthday buddy!
Turbo is seriously getting around lately. He's been moving for the past month (forwards, backwards, side-to-side, and turning circles). A month of practice definitely earns him the description of crawling! Last night I was watching him crawl and his legs go so fast he was spinning out. It was hilarious!
Binkles had a fun Girl Scout activity yesterday called STEM. It's a fun day-filled activity to get more girls in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. It was awesome!
Also yesterday I had a hosting experience in the line of Beautycounter. If you're in search of a consultant, hit me up! If you want informed, get ahold of me.